SHARC2019, 14th National Conference on Software and Hardware Architectures for Robots Control
July 9th - 10th 2019
LIRMM, Montpellier, France
SHARC is an interdisciplinary annual scientific workshop on software and hardware architectures for robots and autonomous cyber-physical systems control. SHARC2019 is sponsored by the working group Robot Control Architecture (GT4) of the GdR ROBOTIQUE ( and ALROB joint action (GdR Robotique and GdR GPL).
This conference is aimed at addressing all important aspects of robot, autonomous and cyberphysical control architectures. It brings together researchers and practitioners from universities, institutions and industries, working in this field. It intends to be a meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise, identified trends and issues, as well as new scientific results and applications around control architectures related topics.
Due to their increasing complexity, the design and the development of nowadays robots definitely raise huge scientific issues. This complexity mainly derives from the integration of multiple functionalities (advanced perception, planning, navigation, localization, control, coordination, etc.) more or less directly bound to some fast evolving technologies for sensing, communication, localization, computing, etc. Robots can be equipped with such functions if an appropriate hardware and software structure is embedded to integrate them: the architectures of robot control systems, and how to design, develop and validate them, is hence the main concern of this workshop.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- To propose a presentation, simply provide a short abstract or a paper (no constraint on style and size). Already published or under submission papers are also acceptable (a SHARC accepted paper will not be published online if it is required by the author). Papers are preferably written in English but French is also accepted.
Jérémie Guiochet, LAAS-CNRS, Univ. Toulouse (FR) - jeremie dot guiochet at laas dot fr
Robin Passama, LIRMM, CNRS (FR) - passama at lirmm dot fr
Karen Godary-Dejean, LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier (FR) - godary at lirmm dot fr
Didier Crestani, LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier (FR) - crestani at lirmm dot fr